I've found some old screenies of when I used to play RF Online, when I was an archon lol. So I thought I'd share them
god they're so old...I finished up on lvl 48 in full int 47 armor. Best thing about playing a merc was seeing 3 black MAU and a bunch of Bells pounding on you and you not going down XD
Anyway, I left RF Online for several reasons. The main one being that I had some personal real life things to deal with, and I have since had a baby daughter :) Other reasons being that the game stopped being fun, there was too much bitching and petty arguing and I just lost interest in it. Sorry Valdor!
But about a year ago, I returned to World of Warcraft. renewed my subscription, rerolled horde on Lightbringer and haven't looked back! I now have 5 level 80s, a Mage, Priest, Shaman (Main), Paladin and Death Knight. And I'm currently working on my 6th...a Prot warrior named (You guessed it) Foxsox.
I absolutely love him so much that playing him reminds me of all the fun I had on RFO and all the levelling parties I organised, all the tanking in Ether and VC I did and all the people I helped during my time spent on the old Dahin server and Chaos Dynasty. In short- I forgot how much fun tanking is! Even though the gane mechanics are so much different between the two games.
I was with a guildie on her alt (a rogue) yestrday doing randoms and we breezed through 4 or 5 levels in an afternoon with me tanking on my warrior. A couple of people we picked up in the first random, stayed with us for at least 8 more after that and were saying how that was the best group they've had in a long time. So big thanks to those guys, you were alot of fun and a great confidence boost!
And yes, I'm a female playing a male character...so what?
- Fox
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